Hello, I'm Serene, a former junior college math teacher turned calligraphy educator and life coach. I empower individuals to embrace growth and inspire positive change through the transformative power of calligraphy.

About Me 

Drawing upon my twelve years of expertise in math teaching and my deep love for calligraphy, I guide individuals on a seamless journey to mastering calligraphy by simplifying its concepts and principles into easily digestible learning.

As a seasoned calligrapher and practicing life coach dedicated to empowering personal growth and inspiring positive change through calligraphy, I share insights on leveraging calligraphy as a transformative tool for individuals seeking personal development. I empower individuals to navigate their journey with confidence and provide strategies for purposeful engagement and self-expression through calligraphy, fostering a love for learning and creativity.


Nine years ago, amidst the whirlwind of being a full-time math lecturer in a junior college and a new mom to my then two-year-old, I found myself yearning for something more. Overwhelmed by the myriad of roles and responsibilities, I sought solace in a hobby that could ground me and allow me to rediscover myself.

I fell accidentally in love with calligraphy. It was a hobby I could pursue from the comfort of my own home with minimal resources. When I enrolled in a class on modern nib calligraphy, I had no idea it would ignite such a profound passion within me.

The elegant strokes and endless possibilities of writing captivated me from the start. Inspired by what I had learned, I began a daily practice of writing personalized cards for my JC2 students, each adorned with their name and a heartfelt message of encouragement.

As I completed this ritual, crafting 84 cards in total, I marveled at two revelations: first, the remarkable progress I made in my writing skills from the first card to the last, and second, the newfound ability to observe and appreciate the goodness in each of my students.

Calligraphy provided a meaningful and mindful space where I can freely express myself, make a positive impact on others' lives, and find beauty in even the simplest of things. 

Calligraphy is more than just a skill; the process of learning calligraphy itself teaches patience, mindfulness, and the appreciation of beauty in others. It has also helped me become a calmer, healthier parent to my two boys.

Humbled and grateful to be featured in


Throughout my life, I've been drawn to the logical realms of math and science (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics), never considering myself particularly artistic or talented in arts. However, my mathematical background unexpectedly became a gateway to learning calligraphy. Viewing calligraphy through the lens of math allowed me to grasp its principles and concepts, particularly the ratios inherent in the written word.

Now, I utilize this unique perspective to teach calligraphy in a way that's accessible and straightforward for others to grasp.

I employ mathematical principles to make calligraphy more approachable, understandable, and enjoyable to learn and practice. Through my teaching in online calligraphy courses(link to the online calligraphy courses page), I aim to demystify the art of calligraphy, making it accessible to all who wish to explore its beauty.


Many students, throughout the 6 sessions over 3 days @hermes, express their surprise as to how mindful it can be and each time I get this feedback I am more and more HUMBLED and GRATEFUL to share this passion and this gift that keeps on giving.

"I have always wanted to try calligraphy but never had a chance to and thought it would be too hard at my age to pick up anything new but you gave me hope that I can actually do this. Will pursue it further and see where it goes."

a fellow participant

"I wanted to leave early but you made the session very welcoming and I enjoyed myself so much I actually stayed throughout the whole two hours. Now I am late for my next appointment but it is worth it."

a fellow participant

"I can tell that you were a teacher previously because of the methodical way you explained the concepts behind the ratio, the curvatures and the structure of the writing. I like it."

a fellow participant

"This teaches me to breathe and slow down. I feel calmer and less angry. Maybe I really needed this."

a fellow participant

In the years of journeying with individuals in this calligraphy journey, many share of how their calligraphy practice had helped them battle a tough time (postpartum depression), gave them a routine that allowed them to be still and learn to slow down and left them with a sense of calm and clarity.

Modern calligraphy practice is meditative and helps you switch off from all your worries as you are entirely in the moment creating beautiful shapes on paper.

If you have always wanted to pick up brush pen calligraphy and go deep into learning this art form, give yourself the permission to start. It would be the beginning of something beautiful.

Schools, students, and teachers hold a special place in my heart, and I am deeply honored whenever I'm invited to engage with them. I cherish the opportunity to speak in schools and lead calligraphy workshops that blend the art with messages of Character and Citizenship. Through sharing personal stories, I aim to instill messages of hope, mental resilience, and perseverance that resonate deeply with students, leaving a lasting impact on their hearts.

The past few days before the lead up to this calligraphy workshop in the school, I prepared hours and rehearsed what to say and how to say, wrote out pages of pointers and key messages that I wanted to share as the Holy Spirit's compassion overwhelmed me - I felt the anxiety, the fear, the tension of these brilliant students and I prayed for days for each of them.

And on the workshop day, I barely shared points of what I prepared, the rest of the words that came out of my mouth, apart from the calligraphy content, was unprepared for;

I opened up about my struggles in my younger days and shared openly how my perfectionist nature and how my people-pleasing led to an unhealthy strive and competition that drove me to a valley in my academic journey.

That even though my family members didn't say that they expected me to do well in school, it was my own pride and desire to want to please them, that pushed me beyond what I could handle.

During my JC years, the Lord revealed to me that I was struggling because I was striving in my own strength, I had to learn to "let go and let Him" and rest in the knowledge that my identity was not in my academic achievements but that I was His.

He showed me that I could flourish and be that person that He called me to be, without having to "fit in".

I am again reminded that His way is always better, then and now.

That we can CHOOSE to give Him our five loaves and two fish and TRUST that He will multiply; our time, our talent, our efforts and all that we have.

"Thank you for your message today, I needed to hear that." - a polite quiet student stayed back and waited in line to say that to me.

This calligraphy workshop infused with messages of hope and strive was one that was not just for the students but even as I shared, the message was speaking to me so strongly too.

That if we have given our all, it WILL be pleasing sacrifice to Him.

I pray the same for all students, us teachers and parents.

Our youths live in turbulent times (social media, FOMO, peer pressure, academic pressure etc) and they are seeking for answers, for direction and for mentorship.

Isaiah 40:30-31

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

It was such an honor and privilege for me to be invited here to speak as His mouthpiece through the sharing session and be part of the forum for these primary 6 cohort of students.

Shared pivotal moments in my own primary journey; critical people and attached emotions and got them to share theirs as well as we close this chapter of their primary school journey and bravely looked forward to enter their next phase of this journey.

And from the stage, as I saw each of these students' faces, my heart sings as I know how much the Lord loves these ones.

I titled the sharing Dare to Dream! And the encouragement to the students was that if the Lord plants in your heart a seed to love your neighbor through helping, supporting, contributing, then GO DO IT! We bloom where we are planted and people are placed in our sphere of influence for a reason.

Our youth are precious and so loved by the Lord.

May we (as adults, parents, educators) listen in and hear their hearts, pray with and for them and journey with them in their transitions, struggles and worries and help them DREAM and GO and GROW.

How often does one get to work from level 38 and have the Marina Bay Sands as the backdrop while personalizing notebooks for VIPs?

Well for me, just ONCE and it was an event to remember indeed.

Wonderful guests, amazing support, lovely reception, powerful networking, I mean what else could one ask for?

Also, really grateful and humbled by the kind words provided by my (dream) client.

Yes I do occasional on-site calligraphy services, only for dream clients.