Are you a perfectionist? These 5 powerful tips are FOR YOU

May 04, 2024 |

Someone recently shared with me that my need for perfectionism is probably the reason why I procrastinate to finish things up. #beingreal #thisspeakstome

That hit the nail on my head.

I hate to admit it but I think it is true.

It’s probably the reason why I sit on my calligraphy content til the last few days to complete and then put them up,

it’s also probably the reason why I take months to work on my website,

it’s basically the reason why I take slow calculated steps forward.

When we feel overwhelming pressure to perform perfectly on the first try, we put off assignments and do until we feel ready to be perfect – a feeling that, of course, never comes.

Is this you too? (Please tell me I am not alone πŸ˜…)

So HOW do we overcome this vicious cycle of anxiety and procrastination?

I learn that we can make your first goal highly achievable and low stakes.

>>> Go for the low hanging fruits first!

This could be as simple as:

βœ… Setting a 10-minute timer with the goal of working on the task you set out before time runs out.

βœ… Create three questions you need to answer in your research.

βœ… Write out to-do list the night before and just get started

βœ… Put deadlines and timelines to projects that I set for myself

βœ… Embrace the mentality that progress is truly more important than perfection

You would find the momentum you gain from achieving the first task on your list actually motivates you to complete your next goal right away:)
#progressnotperfection #overcomeprocrastination #timeblocking #todolists #lowesthangingfruit

And this applies even to learning calligraphy. Our every calligraphy writing practice need not be perfect, they NEVER WILL BE, but embrace the progress and focus on making each stroke 1% better than it was previously.

It takes intention BUT our work will bear good fruit, in calligraphy skills and clarity of mind.

If learning calligraphy is what you want to dive into in 2024, come experience the transformative power of calligraphy and joy of intentional mindful writing.

YES even for us perfectionists! 

Start here

Categories: : Calligraphy Practice