My SECRET to Mindful Intentional Calligraphy Practice

May 04, 2024 |

I am guilty of saying "I don't have time for practicing calligraphyā€¯

but we all do have pockets of MARGINAL minutes (5 min while sipping coffee, 2 min while waiting for computer to load up, 10 min while waiting for son to bathe)!

And how many of us will subconsciously simply grab our phones and scroll through social media?

We can learn to be better stewards of these times by being

INTENTIONAL in how we spend these MARGINAL MINUTES, because these minutes add up to a lot.

Yes, even if you feel like you have NO TIME, or that you are a BEGINNER, or that you don't think you have the DISCIPLINE to follow through.


(1) Prime your ENVIRONMENT for SUCCESS

- Print out all your practice guide sheets and put it WITH your Pentel Brush Sign Pen

- Put these at your desired carved out space (Workstation/ coffee corner/ bedside table)

* Is that space one that allows you to relax in?

(2) Incorporate the writing practice with a HABIT that you already are doing (Habit Stacking!)

If you drink coffee every morning, write while you enjoy your caffeine boost

- While you wait for the computer to start up at the work station, use that time to practice your mindful writing (this is what I do)

After you have done your skincare at your vanity table, spend some minutes writing mindfully!

(3) Aim for 1% of progress each time you practice

Trace over templates in practice guide sheets and be observant of how each stroke transits from thick to thin V Be mindful of where to "lift" or "press" down your instrument of writing (brush pen/ modern nib/ water brush pen)

Rather than many rows of mindless writing, focus on a few GOOD strokes and work toward progress.

That's all there is to practice calligraphy mindfully and intentionally to work toward PROGRESS in this skill.

Stroke by stroke.

Line by line.

Page by page.

You WILL see improvement.

Trust the process.

Practice makes permanence.

Right practice makes progress.

Even if you are in a season where you don't have much free time (new mom, busy work schedule etc), trust the Lord, knowing He has good and purposeful work for you with whatever time you have.

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

It takes intention and some planning BUT it will be worthwhile because these well-used marginal minutes can add up and bear good fruit, in calligraphy skills and clarity of mind.

If learning calligraphy is what you want to dive into in 2024, come experience the transformative power of calligraphy and joy of intentional mindful writing.

YES even in those marginal minutes.

Start here

Categories: : Calligraphy Practice